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December 22, 2004 : 7:05 p.m.
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Well, everywhere in my state except for the 6 square miles surrounding my house anyway. I joke not. The whole state is covered in flurries and winter storm warnings, and we haven't seen one hint of even a flake of snow. Gah. I would be happy with 1 inch; I am so jealous of the 3-18 inches of white sparkly Christmas Cheer that is falling all around me.

It's like the reverse world of the raincloud that follows you around - we have a snowcloud that won't touch us!

Last Five
The Boys are Back in Town... - April 04, 2008
The End - August 22, 2005
Down Under, and I Don't Mean Australia - July 26, 2005
The Vacation Report, and How I Sympathize with Janet Leigh - July 18, 2005
Looking Forward - May 25, 2005

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