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December 22, 2004 : 11:41 p.m.
Disregard the Last Entry...


I love the snow. I can't understand people who don't like snow. That's such a foreign concept to me. I understand not liking the COLD, but snow? What?

It's beautiful, pure, sparkly. It looks like a zillion diamonds scattered all over my lawn, just for my personal enjoyment, reflecting all the colors of the Christmas lights in the dark. I love to go outside at night and fell the crunch of new snow under my feet, and just smell the air. It makes it seem like everything is clean, fresh and new. To just stand out in the snow, letting the snowflakes and the cold hit my face, feeling the peace and the beauty and the magic that is winter.

Last Five
The Boys are Back in Town... - April 04, 2008
The End - August 22, 2005
Down Under, and I Don't Mean Australia - July 26, 2005
The Vacation Report, and How I Sympathize with Janet Leigh - July 18, 2005
Looking Forward - May 25, 2005

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