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August 08, 2003 : 10:29 a.m.

Well, here�s the cast of my life. I guess. I mean, I�m new as far as casts go. Maybe I�ll add to it or take away from it later, I�m not sure. I don�t know who all I need to list, do I need to list people I knew in the 3rd grade, or will current members of my life work? Do I have to list my pets? What about my fish? I just don�t know...but here is what I have come up with so far. It should be a pretty good guide.

*I, Me, Mariah - Well, that�s me of course! The mom of M, wife of Jeff, daughter of my mother and my father, etc. etc.

*You - Well that�d be whoever happens to be reading this at this very moment. Yep, I�m talking to you. *points and laughs*

*Jeff- That�s my husband. We�ve been married 6 happy years. We have our moments, like any normal couple, but mostly we just love each other. I know he loves me, and I certainly hope he knows how much I love him.

*M- My daughter, the light of my life. She may be present in quite a few of my entries. She�s amazing, crazy, psychotic, loveable, adorable, beautiful, bratty and the true love of my life.

*Mom, Mammaw D - My mother. She�s crazy, she�s the funniest person I know, and made me what I am. I am very proud of her and I live to make her proud of me.

*Dad, Pappa R - My dad. He�s great. He lived through Vietnam, and me. I was hard on him while I was growing up and we didn�t get along at all. But now I almost cry when I think of how much I love him. He�s my Daddy, and I�m glad we have the good relationship that we have now.

*W- My family found him under a rock when I was 4. Ok, not really. He�s truly my brother...which is sometimes hard to admit. He�s grumpy, has no sense of humor, and thinks he�s the greatest thing since sliced bread. But I love him!

*S- My brother�s wife. And what can I really say? I love her as part of my family, but - well - she�s kind of tough to read. They�ve been married a year and I still can�t say I really know her all that well. She�s grumpy, I think she might be manic depressive or have multiple personality disorder, and she thinks she�s the greatest thing since sliced bread. They�re made for each other. Except they don�t act like it because they fight ALL THE TIME. They�re fun. Really.

*MIL, K, Mammaw K- Jeff�s mom, my Mother in Law. I love her, God knows I love her. But I have my issues with her. You will probably read about them in the future. Many times. Over and over. get it. And the woman can TALK. In that way, she�s a good match for me, really. We talk on the phone ALL the time. I'd say I like most things about her. Except the smoking, and the constant wishing we lived closer, and the never visiting thing. But I can deal with that because overall we�re good friends. And she�s not one of those evil MILs you always hear about. She�s married to H who I won�t list separately because he�s really not around all that much.

*A- Jeff�s full sister, my SIL. She�s led quite the interesting life in her almost-22-years. She has a 3 year old son, one on the way, and lives with MIL. In a trailer. A small one. I don�t know who to feel worse for, her or MIL. Let�s just say I�m glad I�m not either of them.

*Danny- A�s 3 year old. He�s cute, hysterical, and mean beyond belief. If you make him mad, you�ll forever be known as �Stupid!�, and you�ll have bruises to show for it, too. I�m not kidding. Wanna see mine?

*J, FIL, Pappa J- Jeff�s dad. He�s a good guy, as far as cheating husbands go. As far as I know though, he�s moved past that stage of his life. He�s got a good wife now (L, I won�t list her separately either) and I hope it stays that way. She�s probably the best thing that�s happened to him in a long, long time.

*B, Aunt B- Jeff�s half sister. She�s alot like his real sister, except a little less....uhh....mature or um...intelligent when it comes to lessons of life. She�s 17, has a 1 year old son, and insists she wants another soon. She�s also living with her parents and working at the local Burger King. God, I love my family!

*C - She�s my best friend. I may not write about her alot, but she�s a huge part of my life. We�ve known each other since the 7th grade, and became best friends almost instantly. She�s a single mom working hard to raise her son. She just bought her first house on her own and I�m so proud of her!

Last Five
The Boys are Back in Town... - April 04, 2008
The End - August 22, 2005
Down Under, and I Don't Mean Australia - July 26, 2005
The Vacation Report, and How I Sympathize with Janet Leigh - July 18, 2005
Looking Forward - May 25, 2005

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