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July 15, 2003 : 2:42 p.m.
Waiting to Exhale

Hello! Finally, a moment to relax. Last week (including the previous holiday weekend and this past weekend) was so jam-packed busy I feel like I haven't had time to breathe.

The funeral was fine, as funerals go I guess. M was loaded with 5-year-old questions about death, which is understandable. She *did* demand rather loudly in the middle of the pastor's story of Columbus (don't ask), "Is that story true?!" I'm just glad we got through it with someone whom she had not really known. Sooner rather than later I fear we are going to have to go through it with one of Jeff's or my grandparents, and I can't even imagine how hard that will be for her, not to mention for us.

We had a wonderful 4th weekend once we got to my grandpa's, and I even got to see fireworks twice! Yay me! Once, over Crystal Mountain (a ski resort in northern Michigan) where my uncle works, and once in Frankfort looking over Lake Michigan. Those were simply magical. Unlike anything I'd seen before, and I could almost forget how badly I'd wanted to watch them off of Navy Pier in Chicago this year. Plus, being at my grandpa's, the memories of my childhood summers just start to flow. Good times. And some sad times. I miss my Grandma.

Last week we walked through "our" house again. Yes, I said our house. At least, hopefully. I wasn't going to mention it until I was sure, because I am known for jinxing myself. But, the only reason it could fall through would be due to inspection, and as it's only 2 years old, I just can't see that happening. We should find out in about a week. So anyway, last week was spent getting the bid signed and the checks written to get all that going.

Then this weekend, D got married. D is my... er... I guess I would call him my Godbrother? His mother and father were my Godparents, and we grew up together, along with his younger 2 brothers. Their initials are also D so I guess I'll call them D2 and D3. They are my family, simple as that. The wedding was a blast. It was the funniest ceremony I have ever been to. I typed out a whole explanation about HOW it was so funny, but then re-read it. Really folks, you had to be there. It isn't that funny when you have to put it into words. Just imagine the most laughter you can pack into a church, and you'll be close.

And it's been a great few weeks. I am happy. I've had my moments, but the cloud is mostly gone, for now. I hope it stays that way for a while. I don't think anyone likes feeling like that. Thank you to those of you who bore with me and let me know they care. You are the best, and you know who you are!!

And now, I am off to catch up on my daily reads. *waves*

-2 boxes packed today!-

Last Five
The Boys are Back in Town... - April 04, 2008
The End - August 22, 2005
Down Under, and I Don't Mean Australia - July 26, 2005
The Vacation Report, and How I Sympathize with Janet Leigh - July 18, 2005
Looking Forward - May 25, 2005

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