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June 09, 2003 : 3:55 p.m.
Mommy Needs a Time-Out

Today sucks. Why is it that kids have to act up on your worst days?

M was a beast today. And I'm not being overly dramatic. A friend of mine was here, and she saw it all. Typically she has a meltdown once every couple of weeks, which is not too bad. Her meltdowns are just typical tantrums and then she's fine. Not today though. Oh no. Mommy has a headache so let's be extra ultra loud and screamish.

And, OH!, the crocodile tears. It all started over wanting her to take a shower. A shower for crying out loud, which she normally likes to do. So she began the wailing and the "I don't like you"s. All through the shower she cried. After the shower she wanted to be naked, which was unacceptable as we had company. So I had to physically dress her. That was a trip! More crying and this time "I don't love you"s.

Then, I told her she had to lay down (this had been going on - NONstop crying and attitude - for about 45 minutes at this point) for a while because she was cranky. On cranky days she still gets a nap. That led to out and out screaming, along with the most horrible of all, the "I hate you"s.

After much arguing and slamming of doors, she is now asleep.

Thank God for small miracles. And the fact that this doesn't happen very often.

Now *MOMMY* needs a nap.

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