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May 08, 2005 : 10:26 p.m.
Lost: 1 cat
Broken: 1 heart

The cat escaped today. She's been trying to do it for some time now, and she kept being thwarted by some pesky humans.

We were holding her captive and she was a free spirit. So free that she learned how to stretch up the doorjamb and unlock the little eye-hook that kept her inside. As much as I kept saying "the next time just let her go! Don't chase her, she wants to be eaten, let her be eaten!", I really wish she hadn't gone. And we didn't "let" her, honestly. I may say those things, but I am a cat lover. We had no idea she had gotten out until she was long gone. And Oh! The Guilt.

So Ella, our 6-month old little ball of claws and energy, is somewhere out there. Probably a little afraid. Michaela is very heartbroken, what with this happening only a scant few months after ElDora's death. Damn it. A replacement cat to help you get over the heartbreak of losing another beloved cat is not supposed to then, in turn, break your heart! We had to make no less than 4 trips around our housing addition to see if we could spot her.

As I listened to the coyote pack that resides somewhere in the (not far enough) distance behind our back fence howl and fight, I decided I am glad we didn't get her declawed yet.* I hope she is okay. I hope her feline instincts kick in and she makes it okay out there in that big world.

*If she shows up at our door in a few days mewing and pregnant, I reserve the right to take back that statement, and also to resume saying bad things about her that I really don't mean.

Last Five
The Boys are Back in Town... - April 04, 2008
The End - August 22, 2005
Down Under, and I Don't Mean Australia - July 26, 2005
The Vacation Report, and How I Sympathize with Janet Leigh - July 18, 2005
Looking Forward - May 25, 2005

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