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October 01, 2003 : 10:21 a.m.
Walls Collapsing all Over the World

Happy Fall! Long time no updating, huh? Well, my computer is still a huge pain-in-the-ass to connect to, so I'm only on about once a day to check my mail. If that. Sometimes I go without checking my mail. Call me 'lazy', but I'll just call me 'too busy to fuck with it'.

I have gotten back in touch with a really good friend. She was an exchange student from Slovakia my freshman year of high-school. We became fast friends, and kept in touch the 3 years after she moved back home. For my college graduation present, my mom sent me to Slovakia for a month to visit her. Her dad is in the government there and was able to get us a great apartment for the month I was there. We had a wonderful time, and kept in contact for quite a while, but then gradually just lost touch. About a year ago I called her mother's old number and her mother answered. She gave me Katarina's new number and for the whole next year I tried in vain to call her, never getting an answer. Finally Saturday morning I tried (there's a 7 hour time difference), and she answered! Since then we have sent about 50 emails between the two of us, and I am SO happy to be back in touch with her. I always laid such a huge guilt-trip on myself for us losing touch.

Also, more good news in this neck of the woods...after signing the purchase agreement in JUNE- we are finally closing on our house on Friday. Friday at 4, this bitch will finally be MINE! And then I'm knockin down a wall. Just because I can. Not really. Jeff would have my ass on a platter if I did that. But I would if I could fix it before he came home...oh yes....I would take that wall DOWN!

Last Five
The Boys are Back in Town... - April 04, 2008
The End - August 22, 2005
Down Under, and I Don't Mean Australia - July 26, 2005
The Vacation Report, and How I Sympathize with Janet Leigh - July 18, 2005
Looking Forward - May 25, 2005

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