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September 03, 2003 : 3:10 p.m.
Labor Day, Indeed!

So we moved into our new house. Well it's still not technically 'ours'. We got early possession after all. Thank goodness. Living out of a hotel room wasn't all that appealing to me anyhow. And yay! to the house payment I get to use at the Covered Bridge Festival.

Luckily I am not spending the extra house payment on repairing flood damage to my house. We woke up Monday morning to a new neighbor introducing herself by telling us our back yard was flooded. Welcome to the neighborhood! Welcome to home-ownership! Woohoo! Thankfully, my parents were still here to help sand-bag our house and the few houses around us who were affected. I'm sure it was their ideal way to spend their Labor Day Holiday. Mine, too.

I'd have much rather been ripping off my fingernails moving furniture and opening boxes. I'm dead serious. Sand-bagging...not so fun. And also, not so dry. Imagine that. The water, thankfully, didn't get any higher than about an inch below our siding. And, we're on a slab, so that helped tremendously. There were all sorts of stories on the news about people with basements which were filled with water. One good thing that came out of it - it was a great way to meet some of our neighbors! They are amazingly NICE people, and it's good to know that in times of need, even neighbors who aren't directly affected are there to help you out. It makes me feel all warm and cuddly inside. Not as warm and cuddly as I felt after a shower and some dry clothes, though.

But anyway, the drama - or most of it - is gone along with the water in our backyard. In the picture directly below, that's my husband in waist-high water in the very back corner of our yard. The other is just a random picture of our flooded house I thought would be great fun to post. I guess for one day we can say we had a great waterfront-property view. Ha.

Ooops...I think we left the hose running!

Last Five
The Boys are Back in Town... - April 04, 2008
The End - August 22, 2005
Down Under, and I Don't Mean Australia - July 26, 2005
The Vacation Report, and How I Sympathize with Janet Leigh - July 18, 2005
Looking Forward - May 25, 2005

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