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July 29, 2003 : 10:17 a.m.
Is it Labor Day Yet?

So...the past few days have been busy. Actually, I can't say they've been 'days' at all, more like I should be saying the past 48 hours. Because from Sunday at 6:30 a.m. until Monday at 6:30 p.m. I was awake. I mean, no sleep.

A, if you remember- she's the SIL that's pregnant with her second son that I was a little bitter about before. I mean, I still am - but I have dealt mostly with my issues. Anyway, I am one of her 2 coaches, the other being my MIL. So Sunday we spent the day with my mother, who is in town for a business conference. We went to her hotel swimming Sunday evening.

When we got back to my mom's hotel room, there was a message on our cell that A was in the hospital, and most probably in labor. She is exactly 36 weeks. Yeah, it's still a little early, but at least she's into the 'safe zone'. So I called the hospital and was told that she would most likely be having the baby soon, her contractions were about 4-5 minutes apart and they weren't going to intervene and try to stop them.

I won't go into all the boring details but basically she got sent home because her contractions, while not stopping, weren't getting her anywhere. However she's since had more signs that she'll go within the next few days, so I'm waiting until Jeff gets home and going back down there. If you're so inclined, wish for me that it happens after 7 p.m. tonight (when I will get there) and the next day or so. Because I *would* like to return to my normal life one of these days. And I have a ton of packing to do.

It's hard being in demand. And while I'm being stretched so thin, this diary just doesn't get the attention it needs. So if you don't see me around (I'm talking to the approximately 2 readers I *do* have), don't worry! I'll post when I can.

Last Five
The Boys are Back in Town... - April 04, 2008
The End - August 22, 2005
Down Under, and I Don't Mean Australia - July 26, 2005
The Vacation Report, and How I Sympathize with Janet Leigh - July 18, 2005
Looking Forward - May 25, 2005

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