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July 17, 2003 : 9:31 p.m.
A Healthy Dose of Crazy

I am reading a book. That's a novel thing for me. I hardly find time since the whole motherhood thing. But tonight I took our comforter to the creepy laudromat, and needed something to pass the time. So I pulled out a book my mom had given me to sell in a yard sale that looked semi-interesting. And it is. Semi. Interesting. It's called ANNA'S BOOK. I've gotten into it enough that I will most likely finish it, however there are two things that really bother me.

For one, unless you are one of the world's better authors - don't skip from past to present and back again with each chapter. In this case - it's too darned choppy and mysterious not to confuse the hell out of most readers. There are characters in the 'present', who are linked somehow to the past, whose names are being thrown at you, and you have absolutely no idea who they are or how they are linked to the past, only that they are. For instance, there is THIS person who is the nephew of THAT person, who is *somehow* linked to the past. It just might make sense if you knew who THAT person was. Confusing isn't it? I know that eventually we'll find out how all this fits together. But for now, it bothers me. A little more backstory on some of the characters would be nice. There is mysterious, and then there is downright confusing.

Second, who the heck edits books anymore? There have been several typos or gramatical errors so far. To be fair, most of it IS in diary format, so maybe they are meant to be there. It's still annoying.

So if I'm whining this much about the book, why not just stop reading it? Because I DO actually find it intriguing. Sometimes I make myself crazy. Have I made you crazy yet?

Last Five
The Boys are Back in Town... - April 04, 2008
The End - August 22, 2005
Down Under, and I Don't Mean Australia - July 26, 2005
The Vacation Report, and How I Sympathize with Janet Leigh - July 18, 2005
Looking Forward - May 25, 2005

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