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January 06, 2005 : 9:39 a.m.
Some Questions...

Stolen from Uncle Bob, because I just am too busy or lazy to come up with something else to say!

What is the most violent scene you've ever seen in a movie?

Well I have to say I don't watch many violent movies, so that limits my abilities to answer. But I have to say probably the punishment/crucifiction scenes from The Passion. A close second would be any scene from 8mm.

If you could have had one thing that one of your friends has, what would you pick and from whom?

Gwendolyn's view :)

If you could personally see one natural phenomenon that you have never seen, what would it be?

That's easy. The Aurora Borealis (aka The Northern Lights).

If you could have the chance to see what has become of one childhood friend, who would you choose to find out about?

Probably Angela Garthee. In school, she was one of my best friends, but we parted ways badly. I had seen her a few times after high school, but not for about 7 years now and I'd like to know how her life has turned out.

If you had to nominate the best-dressed person you know, who would it be?

Again, that would be Miss Gwendolyn . Or my daughter. She's a little fashion maven in her own right.

If you had to name the one thing you envy most about your mate, what would it be?

The way he doesn't let stressful life-events stress him out or effect his day-to-day life. I so wish that I could be more like that.

If very good friends were visiting your town, where would you take them to eat if money were no object?

Matteo's Ristorante Italiano

If you could change one thing about your country's history, what would you alter?

Umm..the re-election of Bush. :) But if that's not historical enough, I would have to steal Uncle Bob's answer and say Slavery. It's a very dark point in our country's history.

If you found out that there is no afterlife in any sense, how would you change your life?

I don't know that I would. I would still want to live my life morally, but maybe I wouldn't worry so much about not going to church enough. Although, I'm quite certain that there is an afterlife, so I really don't know why I'm even answering this question.

If you had to name the one thing that really makes your day, what would it be?

Being able to spend more time with my daughter more than most parents are able to spend with their children. That is my reason for all of the choices I make, pretty much.

If you had to name the one thing that can most readily ruin your day, what would it be?

Bad news about someone I love.

If you discovered a Shakespeare manuscript that no one else had ever seen, what would you do with it?

I'd most likely sell it for an outrageous amount and buy my family a little taste of freedom :)

If you could have back one article of clothing you gave or threw away, what would you want it to be?

I don't really think I ever thought that much about it. There isn't anything I would just die to have back as I don't value clothing quite that much. I mean, it's just cloth. Although I have to say I'd love to have the blanket that my daughter was wrapped in after she was born. I don't have a clue what happened to it. At least I still have her cute little knitted cap :)

If you were going to die in ten minutes and could confess only one thing in order to pass with piece of mind, what would you say?

First of all, I don't have anything so horrible that has happend that I wouldn't pass with piece of mind, thankfully. Second, if I *know* I'm going to pass in 10 minutes, screw 'deathbed confessions'. I'd be hugging my daughter and calling all of my family to tell them how much I love them.

If you had to name a smell that always makes you nostalgic, what would it be?

Every Thanksgiving, the smell of all the same foods mingling reminds me of spending so many holidays in Michigan when my Grandma was alive. I don't even remember what foods we used to eat then, so maybe it's not the smell so much as just the huge amount of food baking at once.

If you could ruin someone's reputation, whose would it be and how would you do it?

Well, that's a funny question, all things considered. I think I'll plead the 5th for now.

If you had to name the single best deed a stranger has done for you in your lifetime, what would it be?

Probably the time a gentleman behind me in line at a grocery store (I had just moved and didn't have one of those 'savings' cards) handed me his store savings card when I told the cashier I didn't have one. It ended up saving me upwards of about $20, which to someone who had to budget every penny was awesome. It's sad to say that that's the best I could come up with, but it is.

If you had to repeat the worst thing you've ever said to your mother, what was it?

Gosh I don't know. I can't actually remember ever saying it, but knowing children, I probably did: I hate you. It of course wasn't true and now that I'm a mother I realize it's one of the worst things you can hear from your child.

If you could ask the greatest sacrifice imaginable of a friend, what would it be?

Hmm. I'd probably ask that they move next door to me. Which is a big sacrifice considering that they all live quite a distance from me.

If you had to recall the nicest compliment ever given to you, what would it be?

That I have a beautiful voice.

If you could ensure one thing about Heaven besides its existence, what would it be?

That I make it there!

Last Five
The Boys are Back in Town... - April 04, 2008
The End - August 22, 2005
Down Under, and I Don't Mean Australia - July 26, 2005
The Vacation Report, and How I Sympathize with Janet Leigh - July 18, 2005
Looking Forward - May 25, 2005

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