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November 04, 2004 : 2:57 p.m.
Scary Man / Sexy Men I know everyone has heard enough and everyone is still talking about it even though we've all heard enough. Well, I guess I'm no exception. I guess I just want to vent. But, stay tuned or skip to the end, those of you who could care less...I will make it worth your while :)

First of all, Mr. Bush - this was no "great victory". This was an almost-wasn't kind of victory. A 51%-48% kind of victory. It was a 100,000 vote difference kind of victory. So you have a heck of a lot of people who still don't trust you, who still don't want you in office.

I recieved this email from the husband of a friend and I feel like his words are some of my own (only a little more well-thought-out and coherent!):

"That our country could a) identify 'moral issues' as a major
issue and, b) elect Bush as a consequence of that conviction defies my
understanding. We have now placed our stamp of approval on all of his
actions of the past four years. The tax cuts for the rich at the
expense of the poor and middle class, the rise of radical religion and
the decline of science, the doctrine of pre-emptive war, the erosion
of our civil rights, the rapidly declining transparency (and
accountability) of our government, and the use of government sponsored
torture have all been given a big 'Okey-dokey' by the electorate.

The country has gone round the bend, and four more years ought to just
about finish it off. Between the inevitable Supreme Court appointments
and the increased margins in Congress, Bush has a free rein *and* a
mandate of sorts. We saw what he did without one..."

That wasn't the email in it's entirety, but those are the points I feel were most relavent. Relevant? Whatever. So anyway. I am scared of what the future holds. Maybe worried is more the word.
At any rate, Bush himself frightens me. Some people might say that is irrational, but there is something about him that just gives me a bad feeling. Look in his eyes sometime. The eyes are the window to the soul, my friend. is some eye-candy to make all the bad thoughts go away for a while:

Can you figure out the theme here? :)

Last Five
The Boys are Back in Town... - April 04, 2008
The End - August 22, 2005
Down Under, and I Don't Mean Australia - July 26, 2005
The Vacation Report, and How I Sympathize with Janet Leigh - July 18, 2005
Looking Forward - May 25, 2005

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